Embassy of Pakistan Amman

@Amman: 18-Oct-2024 9:41 am

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Embassy of Pakistan, Amman, Jordan Observes the Kashmir Black Day – 2022

The Embassy hosted a Seminar at the Chancery premises on 27 October 2022 to mark the Kashmir Black Day. The event was attended by participants from different walks of life including key Jordanian notables, Academia, Media, Think tanks and the staff of the Mission. The event was marked by speeches in Arabic and English by prominent personalities, on the regional situation facing the Ummah in general and Kashmir in particular.

The Speakers in their remarks praised Pakistan as a country of strong and brave Muslims and how it was at the forefront in supporting Muslim causes, with Kashmir and the Palestine in particular. They also acknowledged pain and suffering of the Kashmiri people and compared its similarity with the Palestinian cause.

The Speakers emphasized that Jammu & Kashmir along with Palestine are the two core issues of the Muslim Ummah and the resolution of both as per the UN Security Council resolutions is indispensable for global peace and stability. They urged the international community to take notice of crimes against the defenceless Kashmiris and Palestinians. The Speakers also highlighted Pakistan’s genuine and sincere efforts at reaching a peaceful solution to the Kashmir issue.

The Ambassador, in his keynote address, shed light on the Kashmir cause as well as plight and sacrifices of our Kashmiri brethren in their just fight for their right of self-determination and the ironic occupation by the so-called largest democracy of the world. He highlighted the flagrant human rights violations committed by Indian occupation forces in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu & Kashmir (IIJOK).


27 October 2022


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